Outdoor Advertising Restrictions

When it comes to outdoor advertising, there are often rules about where you can and can’t place ads. These billboard restrictions help keep certain areas looking nice, preserve cultural or environmental value, and prevent too much visual clutter. Here’s a quick rundown of places where outdoor ads might be limited or completely off-limits:

Protected Areas

Some spots are off-limits because they’re special—think national parks, historic sites, or wildlife reserves. These places are protected because of their natural beauty or cultural importance.

Residential Zones

In many towns and cities, outdoor advertising is prohibited in residential neighborhoods. This helps avoid upsetting residents and keeps property values steady.


New outdoor ads are banned in some places, and even fixing up old ones might not be allowed. This is often done to slowly phase out ads from the area altogether.

Schools and Places of Worship

Advertising near schools and places of worship is usually restricted. This keeps certain ads away from children and out of sacred spaces.

Outdoor Advertising on Highways and Scenic Routes

You often can’t put up ads along new highways or scenic routes like the Blue Ridge Parkway. These rules help drivers stay focused and keep the scenery beautiful.

Competing Businesses

It’s common for businesses to have agreements that prevent competitors from advertising right next to them. This helps protect the interests of the existing businesses.

Sensitive Facilities

Finally, ads are often restricted near places like hospitals, nursing homes, or military bases. This is done to maintain a peaceful environment and avoid any disruptions.

By following these billboard restrictions guidelines, advertisers can ensure that their messages are effective without stepping on any toes.

Whether you are a property owner or an outdooring advertising company, If you need assistance negotiating a billboard, please contact us or call the Wright Law Firm PC at (212) 619-1500